Every so often, a new example of “meat” made from vegan ingredients crosses my consciousness. The latest, a vegan brisket, prompted me to ask “Why?!”

Why do people who advocate veganism look to create such things? Why are scientists trying to invent hamburgers that aren’t made from meat? Why is there such a thing as vegetarian bacon? Why are vegans always carrying on about how carob tastes just like chocolate?

Yes, the idea is to coax meat-eaters in a particular direction, but underlying that idea is the premise that the meat eaters are not only wrong but need a convenient lie to be made to think “right.”

This is, not coincidentally, also the state of modern progressive politics. Progressivism is not content with people being left alone to live their lives as they wish (i.e. pursue their happiness). There is a correct way to live, to behave, to think, to act, and to be. Progressivism is at the vanguard of determining what that way is, and those who don’t comply willingly are people who need to be managed, corralled, prodded, goaded and even lied to.

Democrats from Obama on down have been lamenting that their party’s losses in Congress, in state legislatures, and for the Presidency are a result of their “messaging” failures. But, given that they were given the keys to the kingdom in 2008, and have an actual legislative and policy record since then that everyone can plainly see, what does “messaging failure” even mean? Poor packaging? Insufficient spin? Lousy explanations that the results they’ve produced aren’t what they’re really about?

Some people choose to live a vegan lifestyle. Some choose to eat meat. Both are free to proselytize as to the benefits of their choices, and free exchange in the marketplace of ideas is how we learn from each other and weigh the merits of different choices. BUT, suckering people over to your side with lies and deceptions is neither forthright nor respectful. It’s treating people as lessers rather than equals, and it’s a great way to get people to simply shut out whatever honest arguments you might have. People don’t like to be managed, they don’t like to be lied to, and they don’t like to be looked down upon.

Wanna be a vegan? Go for it, I don’t care. Wanna try and talk me into veganism? Go for it, and if you’re honest, respectful, and treat me as an equal, I’ll listen to what you have to say. Please, though, don’t try to make foods that simulate what I prefer to eat just to lure me over to your way of thinking, and please don’t assume that your certainty about the superiority of your way justifies your lying to me to achieve your ends. I promise you I will do my best to be as honest with you as I ask you to be with me.

The same, of course, goes for politics and broader lifestyle. If you think your idea or your candidate is better, convince me. Don’t lie to me just so you can get your way, and don’t look to force me to live as you think I should.

Peter Venetoklis

About Peter Venetoklis

I am twice-retired, a former rocket engineer and a former small business owner. At the very least, it makes for interesting party conversation. I'm also a life-long libertarian, I engage in an expanse of entertainments, and I squabble for sport.

Nowadays, I spend a good bit of my time arguing politics and editing this website.

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