Compliance Over Compassion

Compliance Over Compassion

Mask and vax. Or else. That seems to be the sum total of government’s policy set on managing COVID in our society. Excepting those benighted red states (and some blue ones, I’m glad to report), which any right-thinking-leftist knows is being run by idiots...
21st Century Scalpers

21st Century Scalpers

The act of scalping (the cutting off of a part of a victim’s scalp as a trophy, not the act of reselling event tickets at a large markup) has been part of human history for thousands of years, and only fell out of practice in the past century or two. It’s...
Identity Trumps Science

Identity Trumps Science

Ponder this bit, from an article about how identity politics has infiltrated archaeology: [T]he archaeologist Bruce Bourque recently published a lengthy essay on Quillette about his attempts to decipher the genetic identity of an ancient maritime New England tribe...