
If you come across a story, opinion, factoid or event that you think would be of particular interest to the writers, please fill out the form below. While we may not acknowledge receipt, we will take a gander at everything that comes across our desktop. Please be advised, though, that spam will get you banned.

If you are interested in having your original work published on this site, please take note of the following:

  1. Articles should have relevance to the topics of liberty and individualism, especially as they pertain to modern society and government. If you haven’t, take the time to read some of the content on the site to get a sense for what we talk about and how we talk about it.
  2. Submitted articles should be in final form. It is preferred but not required that you submit using Markdown format.
  3. Articles should typically be 800-1200 words, but any length will be considered. Before submitting longer posts, please contact us with an abstract.
  4. We reserve the right to edit guest articles for format, embedded links, grammar, spelling and syntax. We prohibit affiliate links or links to blogs other than your own.
  5. Content edits will be confirmed with authors prior to publication. Please don’t be offended if we suggest changes.
  6. You may include link-backs to your own website provided your site includes a link to ours.
  7. We do not require exclusivity, but we do require that your submission be your original work. By submitting an article, you grant us the right to publish it.
  8. We typically publish under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. If you wish a different copyright, please let us know.
  9. We do not guarantee that your submission will be published, and reserve the right to reject any submission without notice or justification.

Please do not take it personally if we don’t respond promptly.

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