The Only Judge That Matters

The Only Judge That Matters

Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, last of Machiavelli’s Five Good Emperors and adherent of Stoicism, (purportedly) offered up a bit of advice regarding life and religious beliefs: Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how...
Has Woke Jumped The Shark?

Has Woke Jumped The Shark?

Georgia and Texas enacted voting reforms in the wake of the mess that was the 2020 election. Quick as you can say “woke,” the states’ legislators and governors were denounced by the Democratic leadership and by those of a “woke”...
A Nibble A Day

A Nibble A Day

Cancel Culture, a phenomenon whose existence (too) many contort themselves into pretzels denying, has “found” the writings of Theodore Geisel. Or, as most of us know him, Dr. Seuss, author of more than 60 books and creator of The Cat In The Hat, Sam-I-Am,...