The title of this essay is, in essence, the driving force of at least the last decade’s worth of politics and social movement. Consider:

Obama was elected to “transform” the nation i.e. stick it to the bitter clingers with their God, guns, and nativism.

Clinton’s supporters were gung-ho for her to stick it to the deplorables, who didn’t see the world or behave correctly.

Trump got elected to stick it to the Washington establishment, to immigrants, to other nations, and especially to Clinton and Obama supporters.

Progressives want to stick it to anyone who isn’t woke, and even some who are.

Black Lives Matter wants to stick it to the police.

Blue Lives Matter wants to stick it to those who think some cops are bad.

Trump’s fans want to stick it to NeverTrumpers. And vice versa.

David Hogg wants to stick it to gun owners and gun rights defenders.

Bernie Sanders wants to stick it to anyone who has achieved financial success.

The liberal elite want to stick it to the rich, and especially the rich who aren’t among the liberal elite.

Charlie Craig and David Mullins want to stick it to Jack Phillips.

Ann Coulter wants to stick it to illegals.

Leftists want to stick it to Corporate America.

Woonatics want to stick it to Monsanto.

Harvey Weinstein has wanted to stick it to (well… in?) every young, attractive starlet in Hollywood, for decades.

Taylor Swift and Katy Perry want to stick it to each other.

The Pope wants to stick it to capitalists.

The liberal press and the Democratic Party want to stick it to Trump. And to everyone who voted for him.

Trump wants to stick it to the liberal press. To blue states. To sanctuary cities. To foreign governments and foreign economies. To illegal immigrants. To Amazon.

And so on.

Is this any way for a nation and a society to function?

Meanwhile, libertarians, endless smears and straw man arguments notwithstanding, don’t want to stick it to anybody. Except, perhaps, those who live off the government teat and/or benefit themselves by infringing on and destroying others’ rights. That’s the sort of “sticking it to” that everyone should get behind.

Peter Venetoklis

About Peter Venetoklis

I am twice-retired, a former rocket engineer and a former small business owner. At the very least, it makes for interesting party conversation. I'm also a life-long libertarian, I engage in an expanse of entertainments, and I squabble for sport.

Nowadays, I spend a good bit of my time arguing politics and editing this website.

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