The Power Of A Billion

The Power Of A Billion

Trump was right. Yes, that’s a cheap ploy to capture your attention, no matter if you love the guy, hate his guts, are sick and tired of all things Trump, or fall somewhere in between the poles of that triangular spectrum. What was he right about?...
Collectivist Bias

Collectivist Bias

I recently dubbed “great” the it-word of the day. That proclamation served my thoughts of that moment, but does short shrift to the tomes worth of other it-words and phrases that relentlessly assault our eyes and ears in these modern, turbulent times. One...
Tribes Fight

Tribes Fight

I like Jordan Peterson. Those four words, in and of themselves, are sufficient to induce some on the Left to call me a long stream of obscenities and nasty names, derogatory (and false) labels, and dismiss me as an irredeemable, deplorable, a bitter clinger, a racist....
Encouraging The Epidemic

Encouraging The Epidemic

No, not that epidemic. The obesity epidemic. Ours is a marvelously schizophrenic society, and it’s almost nowhere more apparent than in its duality regarding obesity. We hear constant concern about an obesity epidemic, about it being a public health crisis, and...