A Lousy Nit To Pick

A Lousy Nit To Pick

We now have a new national holiday. “Juneteenth,” a celebration of the emancipation of slaves in America that has been celebrated informally or at the state/local level since 1866 , was formalized by the government a few days ago, and we just celebrated...
Conclusion Institutions

Conclusion Institutions

Postmodernist “thinking” and metaphysical obstinacy aside, there are such things as facts. A hydrogen atom has one proton. Gravity varies in an inverse-square fashion. The sky is blue and water is wet (and if you want to argue about those two points,...
Knowing IS The Problem

Knowing IS The Problem

Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to Death By Procedure, which explored the adverse impact of our tortious culture on the pandemic response, and Incentives Matter, wherein we see that the pandemic was subordinate to political gamesmanship. New York Governor...