Defending Distrust

Defending Distrust

A common theme, in looking at America’s galaxy of ills in the fall 2020, is that we are transitioning from a high trust society to one of low trust. Consider though, if we look at the last two decades, the problem is trust in the competency (and motives) of our...
Biden, Babies, and Bathwater

Biden, Babies, and Bathwater

Politics of personality is the state of affairs America finds herself in more often than not, usually with problematic outcome. One of the greatest features of libertarianism, at least for me, is its elevation of ideas over idols, and while we do have our idols...
The Gatekeepers’ Panic

The Gatekeepers’ Panic

Remember 2005? It wasn’t that long ago. George W. Bush started his second term in office. The Iraq War entered its third year. Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became Iraq’s President, and pressed forward with a nuclear program...
It’s Not You, It’s Me

It’s Not You, It’s Me

An outsider that looked at a system of 90% disapproval, with 90% non-adaptivity, would conclude there was some kind of fundamental flaw. Most Americans agree this is true of our political system. Ask a spectrum of Americans if they think the system is broken, and...
Principled Rejection

Principled Rejection

As I’ve noted ad nauseam on these pages, too many libertarians love, love, LOVE to denounce each other. More so, even, than their denouncement of non-libertarians of both the Left and the Right. It’s shallow moral preening, virtue-signaling,...