Conflict Karma

Conflict Karma

The fallout from the Capitol riot continues to expand, and we are now being told that the entirety of the Trump-voting populace should be labeled “insurrectionist.” With such a label comes, of course, the application of tools the government has at hand in...
Social Corrosion

Social Corrosion

While looking for the exact wording of a Stalin quote, I found this nugget on a Wikipedia page: [E]specially in Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China and Pol Pot’s Cambodia, a fanatical certainty that socialism could be made to work motivated communist...
The Great Divergence

The Great Divergence

There was a time, not that long ago when measured against the scale of human civilization, but perhaps an eternity ago when measured in political years, when liberals held a number of beliefs associated with the word “free.” Free love, free speech, free...
Defending Distrust

Defending Distrust

A common theme, in looking at America’s galaxy of ills in the fall 2020, is that we are transitioning from a high trust society to one of low trust. Consider though, if we look at the last two decades, the problem is trust in the competency (and motives) of our...
Modern Monetary Stupidity

Modern Monetary Stupidity

An economic notion, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), has been pulled from the dustbin of history to serve as the foundation for a set political doctrines and proposals currently being espoused by the progressives in America. The word “theory” is the...