The New Sixty

The New Sixty

Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942. Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. Barring a seismic shift in the political landscape, America’s next president will be either 78 or 74 on Inauguration Day 2021. This will be a record, breaking the previous record (that...
Conspicuous Blame

Conspicuous Blame

As I recently lamented, the hard part of managing the COVID-19 pandemic lies in the easing of restrictions and lockdowns. We were originally told we had to “flatten the curve,” which makes for a nice catchy bit of motivation. As is inevitable with...
We Know Better

We Know Better

I had dinner with a group of friends last night, and in typical fashion, much of the conversation was political. One friend put forth a surprising (to me) assertion: that it was a proper function of government to provide health care to everyone. He called it a...