Free Riders

Free Riders

America has a free rider problem. Except when she doesn’t. Except when she does. Except when she doesn’t. Depending on who you talk to, progressive taxation combined with various forms of welfare are either a justified “redistribution” of...
Take On Taking

Take On Taking

Civics 101 taught me that a “Taking” of property by the government requires compensation. This is a continuation of an English precedent going back centuries, so it’s not surprising that a court overturned, as a Taking, the eviction moratorium, in...
Pants On Fire

Pants On Fire

Let us contemplate, as the Biden administration rushes to cripple the American economy with brute-force carbon reduction measures as part of its “green”/global warming agenda, that nothing America does will make one whit’s worth of difference to...


Where is all that money going? Thus spake Michael Brown, Sr. after he learned that BLM (the organization) had raised $90M by exploiting BLM (the movement) for financial gain. And, thus, the seedy underbelly of all things political emerges once again. It’s always...
Killing Opportunity

Killing Opportunity

What does the Left have against the young? Despite all the ‘Science!,’ schools remain closed or are opening sl-o-o-o-wly because of massive resistance from teachers’ unions. A ‘lost year’ isn’t a particularly big deal to adults from...
Revelation By Proxy

Revelation By Proxy

As is probably true for most Internet surfers, I sometimes go “on safari” on the Web, letting my nose and the various algorithms take me where they will. Sometimes, those safaris do nothing more than kill time. Other times, though, I intersect something...