The Sell-Out Cop-Out

The Sell-Out Cop-Out

Political filmmaker Michael Moore’s new movie Planet of the Humans contains a refreshing bit of honesty: that wind and solar are not the enviro-panacea that greens, carbon-haters, climate catastrophists, and various other enviro-fetishists have long claimed....
The Humanistic Ethic

The Humanistic Ethic

Freeman Dyson, physicist, polymath, and intellect of such a towering magnitude that “genius” feels somehow inadequate, recently passed away at the age of 96. Obituary writers in the usual places chose, predictably and disappointingly, to highlight one...
The Fukushima Rebuttal

The Fukushima Rebuttal

Regular readers know that I shill pretty consistently for nuclear power, both as the best path for remediating global warming (should remediation actually be required) and as a clean, pro-environment power source in general. I don’t only do so on this blog...